Thursday, August 16, 2012

Developing a Writing Process

If you write or blog, it can be beneficial to develop a process that works for you.

Each of our brains works a little bit differently. The writing process that works for me may not work for you. Also, the writing process that you are currently using may not be the best, either.

The one way that I know works to fine-tune your writing process and skills is to write consistently and write often.

It may not feel like you are getting anywhere at first, but eventually something will click and you might change the way you do things so that writing is more effective and more enjoyable for you.

Another way to fine-tune your process is to study the art of writing. Read as much as you possibly can in the topic that you are writing for, and read from other writers about how their process works.

Here are some things to think about when developing your own writing process:

How do you currently research for your topics? What can you do to research more effectively or research more in-depth. Are there angles that you can add to your research that the majority of writers in your genre are not utilizing? Always keep a running list of topic ideas.

What is your creative process? Make up a list of questions that you can ask yourself about each topic. Ask yourself what specific spin you can put on your writing that others may have missed.

How do you structure your writing? Are there a few different writing structures that you can always fall back on if you get stuck? Are they good structures or do you need to find some better ones?

What is your style of writing? Do you even have a style? Developing a style is important if you want your writing to stand out.

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