Friday, January 20, 2012

How To Write Great Product Reviews

What makes a good review?

First of all, a good review is objectionable. You should write about the positive as well as the negative things that you observed during your review of the product. It's important to tell the truth.

I always personally review the product if my name is going to be on the review. If it's an affiliate product that I am not personally using, I still present both positive and negative aspects to the reader.

If you are recommending it, make sure it's one of the better products out there. If there are several, you can do comparison reviews or review several of them and recommend a couple as your top picks. Having some bad reviews on your website builds credibility for your readers because they will see that you are not just out to recommend everything to make more money.

Always state in your review if you were given a free review copy or acquired the product in anyway other than personally purchasing it.

Don't forget to add links to the review item (with affiliate links if applicable) and mention any discounts.

Why write reviews?

If you are a writer, writing free reviews is a good way to get noticed. Writing good reviews can lead to review requests from companies, publishers, etc.

Also, once you have some good reviews under your belt, you can begin asking for review copies. You should have a minimum of 5 good reviews in your portfolio before asking for review copies.

The other obvious reason for writing reviews is to benefit from those people who are looking to buy a product by adding your affiliate links to the review article.

The most effective method that I have found for profiting from review articles has been to place a text link at the bottom of the article. You can also add product images and star ratings to your reviews. If you do, make sure that you link your images and such to your affiliate link.

Where to post reviews

If you are writing as an affiliate, you can post your reviews with affiliate links to hubpages, squidoo, and your own website/blog. You can also use your affiliate link within Facebook with a short review, though it's probably best to link back to your review on your blog first.

If you are building your writing career, filling out your Amazon profile and then posting your reviews under each Amazon product's review section is a good way to gain some exposure.

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